Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Consequence, if any, for a student painting their teachers car a different color?

prob expusion. unless they wanted it and or liked it. haha. also, how laid back the teacher is. but still, its still pretty intense to do something like that w/o their permission.

would you want someone doing that to your car w/o your permission? look at it that way.Consequence, if any, for a student painting their teachers car a different color?
Yes, it's called vandalism and you could face criminal charges. Now, if you are doing it as a surprise and doing it properly because the car needs to be refinished and you know your teacher wants a paint job, your teacher may be very happy. I would suggest, under those circumstances, you would go to the school auto shop (or a local trade school) and see if you could get a good price to have it done. I would be absolutely sure of what color the teacher would want it painted and perhaps present a model of a car, painted the approximate color, wrapped in a package. Then explain that this is a gift and arrangements are being made for you (the teacher) to take it to whatever shop you chose for the work.Consequence, if any, for a student painting their teachers car a different color?
Most likely she would report you to the principal if she found out, and you might get a suspention. You might also get fined for the damaged.
I'm sure it depends on the school and their rules...

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